Jumat, 31 Mei 2013

100 words about economics, accounting, finance in English

1.      Inflation (Inflasi)       
2.      Bank (bank)
3.      Accumulation (akumulasi)
4.      Barter (barter)
5.      Business (Bisnis)
6.      Check (Cek)
7.      Embargo (Embargo)
8.      Royalty (Royalti)
9.      Claim (Piutang)
10. Capital (Modal)
11.  Profit (Laba)
12.  Government (pemerintah)
13.  Consumtion (konsumsi)
14.  Investasi (Investasi)
15.  Export (ekspor)
16.  Import (impor )
17.  Interest (bunga)
18.  Lease (Sewa)
19.  Planning (perencanaan)
20.  Demmand (Permintaan)
21.  Organizing (organisasi)
22.  Cost (Biaya)
23.  Currency (Mata Uang)
24.  Budget (Anggaran)
25.  Balance Sheet (Neraca)
26.  Market Rate (Harga pasar)
27.  Marketing Activities (Kegiatan Pemasaran)
28.  Monopoly Market (Pasar Monopoli)
29.  Oligopoly Market (Pasar Oligopoli)
30.  Market Segmentation (Segmentasi Pasar)
31.  Equilibrium (keseimbangan)
32.  Leasing (Sewa Guna)
33.  Accumulation (Akumulasi)
34.  Surplus of Fund (Surplus Dana)
35.  Rate of Return on Net Worth (Rentabilitas modal sendiri)
36.  Ratio Analysis (Analisis Rasio)
37.  Ratio of Plant Asset to Long term Liability (Perbandingan harga tetap dengan hutang jangka panjang)
38.  Subsidy (Subsidi)
39.  Break Even Point (Titik Pulang Pokok)
40.  Stock Market (Bursa Saham)
41.  Substitute (Subtitusi)
42.  Currency Asset (Harta Lancar)
43.   Deposit Slip (Bukti Setoran)
44.   Economic Life (Umur Ekonomi)
45.   Fixed Assets (Harta Tetap)
46.   Short Term Liabilities (Utang Jangka Pendek)
47.   Management Audit (Pemeriksaan manajemen)
48.   Manufacturing Cost (Biaya pabrikasi)
49.   General Journal (Jurnal Umum)
50.   Ledger (Buku Besar)  
51.  Trial Balance (Neraca Sisa)
52.  Adjustment Journal Entries (Jurnal Penyesaian)
53.  Worksheet (Kertas Kerja)
54.  Financial Statement (Laporan Keuangan)
55.  Income Statement (Laporan Laba/Rugi)
56.  Statement of Owner Equity (Laporan Perubahan Modal)
57.  Closing Entries (Jurnal Penutup)
58.  Revershing Entries ((Jurnal Pembalik)
59.  Bond (Obligasi)60.  Bad Debts (Piutang tak Tertagih)
61.  Beginning Balance (Saldo Awal)
62.  Net Income  (Laba Bersih)
63.  Nominal Account  (Akun Nominal)
64.  Note Payable (Wesel Bayar)
65.  Note Receivable (Wesel Tagih)
66.  Balance per bank (Saldo menurut bank)
67.  Balance per book (Saldo menurut buku)
68.  Management By Exception (Manjemen dengan pengecualian)
69.  Manufacturer (Pabrikan)
70.  Manufacturing Company (Perusahaan pabrikan)
71.  Balance sheet account (Perkiraan neraca)
72.  Balance Amount (keseimbangan jumlah)
73.  Bank Payable (Hutang bank)
74.  Return to Capital (Pengembalian Modal)
75.  Services (Jasa)
76.  Entrepreneurship (Kewirausahaan)
77.  Distribution (Distribusi)
78.  Negotiations (Negoisasi)
79.  Price (Harga)
80.  Acquisition (Akusisi)
81.  Productivity (Produktivitas)
82.  Relevant cost (biaya relevan)
83.  Differencial cost (biaya diferensial)
84.  Imputed cost (biaya modal sendiri)
85.  Job order costing (harga pokok pesanan)
86.  Process costing  (harga pokok proses)
87.  Mixed cost (biaya campuran)
88.  Joint cost (biaya bersama)
89.  Management Advisory Service (Pelayanan Konsultasi perusahaan)
90.  Manufacturing Overhead (Overhead pabrik)
91.  Markdown cancellation (Pembatalan penurunan harga)
92.  Rate of Return (Tingkat pengembalian)
93.  Raw Material (Bahan mentah)
94.  Raw Material Investory (Persedianan bahan mentah)
95.  Industry (Industri)
96.  Supplier (Pemasok)
97.  Customer (Pelanggan)
98.  Commercial companies (Perusahaan Komersial)
99.  Manufacturing (Manufaktur)
100.Taxes Rate (Tarif pajak)

Consumer Decision Making

Consumer's decision to buy or not buy a product or service is an important time for marketers. This decision marks one marketing strategy has been quite thoughtful, insightful, and effective, or whether the planned poorly or wrongly set goals. Decision is the selection of two or more alternative options.
Experimental consumer research reveals that provides an option for consumers when in fact none of the options, can be the right business strategy, the strategy is to increase sales in a very large number.

There are three levels of specific consumer decision-making, namely:
1. Extensive problem solving, consumers need a variety of information to establish a set of criteria useful to evaluate certain brands and a lot of relevant information about each brand that will be considered.
2. Limited problem solving, consumers have establish basic criteria for assessing the various product categories and brands in that category.
3. Behavior as a routine response, consumers have had some experience of the product categories and a series of well-defined criteria for assessing the different brands they are considering.

Theories of consumer decision making varies, depending on the assumptions researchers regarding human nature. There are four views on consumer decision-making:
1. Economic outlook, consumers are often regarded as rational decision makers.
2. Passive view, describing consumers as people who are basically subject to the self-serving interests and promotional efforts of marketers. The consumer is considered as impulsive buyers and irrational.
3. Cognitive view, describing the economic outlook among consumers are passive and extreme views, which do not (or can not) obtain absolute knowledge about all the alternative products available and therefore can not take a perfect decision, but are actively looking for information and trying to take satisfactory decision.
4. Emotional outlook, taking an emotional or impulsive decisions (lower impulse).

Consumer behavior is not only making purchasing decisions or actions buy, it also includes a variety of experiences associated with the use or consumption of various products and services. Experience using the products and services as well as feelings of pleasure that berasaldari possess, collect or consume goods and experiences to contribute to customer satisfaction and overall quality of life.
Marketing based on relationship became so important because today's consumers are less loyal than in the past, this is due to the six main strengths: an abundance of choice, availability of information, feeling entitled, commodity, not solid (lower fidelity consumer financial problems) and lack of time (not enough time for the faithful).

Models in decision making has three main components:
  1. Input (input), these components have various external influences that act as sources of information about a particular product and influence the values​​, attitudes and behaviors related to consumer products. The main input factors are the various activities of the marketing mix and socio-cultural influences outside marketing.
  2. Process, these components relate to the way consumers make decisions. Consumer decision-making action consists of three phases, namely: (a) Introduction of needs, (b) research before the purchase, and (c) Assessment of alternatives.
  3. Output (output), this component involves two activities are closely related to post-purchase: purchase behavior and post-purchase valuation. The purpose of these two activities is to increase customer satisfaction with the purchase.

This article is retrived from : http://kumpulan-artikel-ekonomi.blogspot.com

Kamis, 09 Mei 2013

Business Letter

Mrs. Clara Winters                                                                                    
12187 S. Polo Dr.                                                                                       
Fairfax, VA 22030                                                                                     
May 26, 1998
The Tiny Tots Toy Company
15456 Pyramid Way
College Park, FL 33133

I recently purchased one of your Tiny Tents (Model # 47485) for my three-year old.
Unfortunately, afterviewing the components that came with the product, I discovered that
four of the parts were missing. Also, the instructions that came with the tent are
incomplete. Both of these situations have resulted in the tent remaining unassembled and
unacceptable as a toy for my daughter.
I am writing to request replacements for the missing parts, and a copy of the full set of
assembly directions for the model I purchased. If reasonable arrangements are not made
within ten business days, I will return the tent to the store I purchased it from and expect a
full refund. To assist you in processing my request, I am including a copy of my sales
receipt and a list of the missing parts.
I have purchased other toys manufactured by your company in the past, and have always
been impressed with the quality and selection Tiny Tots has made available to its
customers. I sincerely hope this is a one-time incident, and that any future purchases I make
will live up to the standard my family has come to expect from your company.


Clara Winters 

Ibu Clara Winters
12187 S. Polo Dr
Fairfax, VA 22030
26 Mei 1998
The Tiny Tots Toy Perusahaan
15456 Piramida Way
College Park, FL 33133

Saya baru saja membeli salah satu tenda kecil Anda (Model # 47485) untuk saya berusia tiga tahun. Sayangnya, setelah melihat komponen yang disertakan dengan produk, saya menemukan bahwa empat dari bagian-bagian yang hilang. Juga, instruksi yang datang dengan tenda yang secara lengkap. Kedua situasi ini telah mengakibatkan tenda yang tersisa dan belum dirakit tidak dapat diterima sebagai mainan untuk anak saya.
Saya menulis untuk meminta pengganti untuk bagian-bagian yang hilang, dan salinan set lengkap arah perakitan untuk model saya membeli. Jika pengaturan yang wajar tidak dibuat
dalam waktu sepuluh hari kerja, aku akan kembali tenda ke toko saya membelinya dari dan mengharapkan penuh pengembalian dana. Untuk membantu Anda dalam memproses permintaan saya, saya termasuk salinan penjualan saya penerimaan dan daftar bagian yang hilang.
Saya telah membeli mainan lainnya yang diproduksi oleh perusahaan Anda di masa lalu, dan selalu telah terkesan dengan kualitas dan seleksi kecil Tots telah dibuat tersedia untuk perusahaan pelanggan. Saya sangat berharap ini adalah kejadian satu kali, dan bahwa setiap pembelian di masa depan saya membuat akan hidup sampai dengan standar keluarga saya telah datang ke harapkan dari perusahaan Anda.

Hormat kami,
tanda tangan

Clara Winters

Sumber : http://www.ecasd.k12.wi.us/faculty/shaslow/business_letters_and_logo_samples.pdf